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 Business Analysis Training
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Business Analysis Training Programs Analyst MindsMapped
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Posted on 10-21-19 1:33 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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MindsMapped online Business Analyst (BA) / System Analyst (SA) Training

• MindsMapped Consulting offer online Business Analysis (BA) training which is conducted by certified professionals who have wide range of experience and/or subject matter experts that help participants (fresher or changing direction from a test analyst to a BA or a Programmer to a BA ) understand the core concepts of Business Analysis and IT that help them excel as Business Analysts.
• Training courses are designed to ensure that attendees are knowledgeable on the subject to attend job interviews and/or complete Business Analyst certification.
• If you want to shift your existing career from Non-IT to IT, we can prepare you for that role.
• Online training courses are based on real time examples and case studies to enhance the learning experience.
• Attend 50 hours of online classes. Assistance with resume preparation is included in the course.
• Participants would be given with high quality assignments to gain hands on Business Analyst experience and prepares them to attend interviews confidently.
• Candidates would understand the concepts of various teams in a software project, different stakeholders involved and the dynamics of the team and the role of a Business Analyst (BA) /Systems Analyst (SA) in the software team.
• Understand the relationship between a Project Manager and a Business Analyst (BA) and responsibilities of a BA/SA in various stages of the SDLC
• Detailed understanding of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and various software methodologies employed in IT industry like Waterfall, Incremental, Iterative, Spiral, Prototyping, Rational Unified Process and Agile methodologies
• Enterprise Analysis and the role of a BA/SA in Enterprise Analysis. What is a Business Case, Vision Document, Problem Statement, SWOT Analysis, Project Selection Methods etc.
• Best Requirements Elicitation Techniques and Practices employed by Business/System Analysts
• Different types of Requirements – User Requirements, Business Requirements, Functional Requirements, Non-Functional Requirements etc.
• Business Process Modeling /Re-Engineering, Work Flow Modeling and related concepts.
• Requirements Documentation and UML Diagrams like UML Use case Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams etc. and how to use Microsoft Visio for those UML Diagrams.
• Requirements Documentation documents like Business Requirements Specification, BRD.
• Requirements Communication and Requirements Management.
• What is Requirements Traceability Matrix and the Change Management Process?
• Basics of Quality Assurance (QA) Software Testing and the role of a Business Analyst in Testing.
• Understanding of CMMi and Six Sigma.
• Basics of Project Management and all the Project Management knowledge areas.
• Hands on Experience on all BA/SA deliverables through assignments/project work.
• Mock Interviews conducted so candidates understand the questions that can be expected in a Business Analyst/System Analyst interview
• Power Point presentations by candidates on Business Analysis real world subjects to improve their knowledge, communication skills and enhance confidence.
• Basics of SQL for candidates willing to be prepared for System Analyst, Business System Analyst (BSA), or Technical Business Analyst (Tech BA) roles.
• Preparation notes on various domains such as credit cards, banking, financial services, health care etc. for interview preparation.
• Candidates would also be able to attend interviews for roles such as Functional Analyst, Requirements Analyst, Business Operations Analyst and other related BA roles.


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