Almost Married!
These two guys meet after not having seen each other for many years.
The first guy asks the second guy, "How have things been going?
The second guy speaking very s.l.o.w.l.y tells the first guy,
"I w.a.s a.l.m.o.s.t m.a.r.r.i.e.d."
The first guys says in amazement "Hey, you don't stutter any more."
The second guy replies:
"Y.e.s I w.e.n.t t.o a d.o.c.t.o.r a.n.d h.e t.o.l.d m.e t.h.a.t i.f I s.p.e.a.k s.l.o.w.l.y t.h.e.n I w.i.l.l n.o.t s.t.u.t.t.e.r."
The first friend congradulates him and then asks again about how he was almost married.
"W.e.l.l m.y f.i.a.n.c.e a.n.d I w.e.r.e s.i.t.t.i.n.g o.n h.e.r p.o.r.c.h a.n.d t.h.e d.o.g w.a.s s.c.r.a.t.c.h.i.n.g h.i.s b.a.c.k a.n.d I t.o.l.d h.e.r t.h.a.t w.h.e.n w.e a.r.e m.a.r.r.i.e.d s.h.e c.a.n d.o t.h.a.t f.o.r m.e a.n.d s.h.e t.h.r.e.w t.h.e r.i.n.g i.n m.y f.a.c.e"
"Why did she throw the ring in your face for that?" asks the first friend.
"W.e.l.l I s.p.e.a.k s.o s.l.o.w.l.y t.h.a.t b.y t.h.e t.i.m.e s.h.e l.o.o.k.e.d a.t t.h.e d.o.g h.e w.a.s l.i.c.k.i.n.g h.i.s b.a.l.l.s"