Long time reader first time postiler..( hope that’s a legitimate word). Obviously, I am drunk (but hey, what are these sites for..!) so I can rant and rave all I want. I am an nepali alcoholic, been here too long, done too much shit (….not sure If I can use profanity). Any who, I don’t really (at this time) gives rats freaking ass. I want to get into real thing before I.. forget about it ( I mean, why I am typing this…whatever)… but I don’t know( too bad… I forgot )………*((after an hour or too many and way to many beers,( before start to embarrass myself…).(I have you,( I know there is one like me, the arrogant one)….. any of you considered AA…… may be time time,…. BORN Arrogant…Born Niggars,,,(yea I still use my R’s and S’sO