I just want to visit this Sajha website and for once not leave feeling disgusted and horrified. Where is the peace and harmony that was once here?I am so sick of all you people who posts these disgusting threads attacking certain castes.
Obviously apart from those a**holes who already have posted and the a**holes who replied and supported them, ANYONE ELSE who posts a thread or supports it from now on are the most pathetic retarded dumb pieces of sh*t freaks and should not even call themselves Nepali.
Think about why you are so disgusting, the issue is with you, there is something maybe biologically lacking in your brain or maybe you are so insecure about yourself that you feel comfort in attacking others. You are only degrading yourself. This self loathing of yours has manifested itself into evil thoughts and its up to you to change your ways before you pass these twisted views onto your unfortunate children. Sort your life out now.
I hope there wont be anymore BS being written on castes, but if any racists do keep posting more sh*ts and for their supporters, then you are the SCUM of the Earth and NOT fit to live in this world.
- Chakra