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 C-program experts! PLZ help
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Posted on 09-29-09 2:54 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hey guys I need to have the solutions of some questions related to C-Program.
I would be very very grateful to you guys, if you could kindly post the solutions for those questions. Thanks in advance!

Q.1 Write
a program to read in an NxN matrix and square it according the formula

       Sij = Σ(k=1 to N) Aik Akj.
Where A is the original matrix


Q.2  Write a program to read in starting values A,
X1, Y1 and perform the following     iteration:

      X i+1
= Y i 2 - X i

      Y i+1
= X i  -A
                 N times (N read in)

       Then output the
answer X N+1 ,Y N+1 . Don’t use Dimensioned variables.


Q.3  Write a program to input two vectors of
arbitrary length N ( the same for both     vectors),

      ai and bi and calculate the dot product
defined as  Σ(i=1
to N)
ai bi  and output
the result.


Q.4 Write a
program to perform;  Integration( 0 to 1) e-x^2 dx  using rectangles, i.e. break  up the  region into N+1 intervals, each of
width 1/N, and multiply the width by the values of e-x^2  at the start and end of the interval and
divide by 2 ; Then sum this over all intervals. Leave N variable.


Posted on 09-29-09 3:33 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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This looks like all your homework.
Have you tried any?
You should try it to get the concept otherwise you will regret in future...

Posted on 10-17-09 9:01 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I could help you out with your homework but as I am cash strapped I would need some cash.

But I think that you would have done your homework already by now. If you haven't, just let me know.


Posted on 11-18-09 11:20 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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haha, this looks funny..... posting whole homework problems on a forum....


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