First off your topic is very broad. Your professor might not approve the topic itself. By research paper im assuming the final graduation paper between 30-50 pages. Choose a specific topic first. When you say E commerce in 21st century this encompasses the whole world and the e business practices.
Some topics you might think about :
The developing e commece patterns in Nepalese retail businesses. Their development stages, challanges and difficulties.
How Amazon succeced in Ecommece.
Why Ecommerce is essential in X feild. (Be specific)
Now when you have successfully choosen the topic you need a thesis statement. This should be about a paragraph long that states the whole RP in 5 lines. Very consise and straight to point.
Also formatting i used
Thesis Statement
Expert Opinions (This is where your research part comes. Every thing here is not yours but citations and conclusions from your sources. Always have a minimum of 10 legitimate sources. Wikipedia isnt a good source.)
Now comes the Body-this is where you ll write your ideas. Remember what you wrote in your thesis statament. Your body needs to support the thesis.
Finally Conclusion