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Posted on 09-22-08 12:28
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It is not right of anybody to come out against ethnic groups just because the administration tried to look away from you. It is the administration - the people in administration, and not the ethnic group that needs to be chased. There were lot of Newars supporting Maoist during the 12 years old struggle, those people need to be dragged out in amidst and asked to protest against the decision made by their administration.
I believe there would be a wide spread support from all walks of life and from all ethnic backgrounds to preserve Newari Culture-the prominent culture in Kathmandu valley, but please do not bring out the racial and ethnic issues. There would be no difference between the madhesi demand for Madhesh Land and Newar’s demand for Cultural rights if the ethnic and racial issues are at stake. And the ultimate winners would be the ones trying to destabilize, disintegrate and ultimately wipe out the existence of Nepal.
So let us be united and think wise. Let us bring the country back to the track and prove that Nepalese are not just a heard of sheep. Let us show that we can rise to the occasion. And let us say “I support Newar’s Fight for Cultural Rights in Kathmandu.â€
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Posted on 09-22-08 12:37
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यस पटकको इन्द्रजात्रामा अर्कै जात्रा देखियो। मल्लकालदेखि चलेको जात्रा शाहवंशले काठमाडौँमा आक्रमण गर्दा समेत रोकिएको थिएन। तर दुःखद रुपमा यस पटक रोकियो। तपाईंहरु मध्ये अधिकांशले प्रस्तुत घटनामा इन्द्रजात्रा मनाउन सरकारले दिने गरेको जाबो १५ हजार रुपियाँ नदिएको मात्र देख्नुभयो, त्यस पछाडिको कारण र इतिहास तपाईंहरुलाई थाहा छैन। तपाईंहरुलाई जस्तै करोडौं नेपालीहरुलाई समेत थाहा नहुन सक्छ। जात्रा सञ्चालन गर्न १५ हजार रुपैयाँ नदिएको रिसमा यो आन्दोलन भएको हैन। अनि आन्दोलनपछि यो सहमति १५ हजार रुपैयाँ लिनलाई मात्र भएको हैन। नेवारहरुका सबै जात्रापर्व मनाउन/संचालन गर्न नेवार समाज स्वयमले हजारौं रोपनी उब्जाउ जग्गा गुठीको नाममा छुट्याइराखेका थिए। राज्यकोषबाट एक पैसा पनि खर्च गर्नु पर्दैनथ्यो। ती गुठीका जग्गा शाहराजा र राणाहरुले २०० वर्षसम्म लुट्दालुट्दा बचेको केही हजार रोपनी जग्गा पनि हडप्न राजा महेन्द्रको पालामा गुठी संस्थान खडा गरियो र परम्परागत गुठीयारहरुको भूमिकालाई समाप्त पारियो। भूमिसुधारको नाममा जालझेल गरी आफ्ना हजारौं आउरे बाउरेहरुलाई मोही बनाइयो र पछि उनीहरुको नाममा गुठी जग्गा रैकर बनाइयो। कतिपय जग्गा स्कूल, कलेज, विश्वविद्यालय स्थापना गर्ने नाममा अधिग्रहण गरियो। हडप्न नभ्याएको शहरभित्रका कैयौं गुठीको जग्गामा विशाल व्यापारिक केन्द्रहरु खोलेर मासिक करोडौं रुपियाँ बहाल उठाउने गरिन्छ। हो, त्यसै वापत दिइएको हो त्यो चुत्थो १५ हजार रुपियाँ। ४० वर्ष अगाडि दिने गरिएको १५ हजार रुपियाँले अहिले के नै पो गर्न सकिन्छ र? अबको दशैंमा एउटा मरन्च्याँसे खसी किन्न पनि पुग्दैन त्यति रुपैयाँले त। अब तपाईंहरु आफै भन्नुहोस् इन्द्रजात्रा मनाउन त्यो चुत्थो १५ हजार रुपियाँ दिएर सरकारले दया गरिरहेको छ कि तपाईँ हामीलाई लुटिरहेको छ? सहयोग गरिरहेको छ कि तपाईं हामी सबैको संस्कृति मासेर तपाईं हाम्रो इतिहास र पहिचान मेटाउने काम गरिरहेको छ? सरकारले २५० वर्ष अघि कायम सबै गुठी जग्गा जनतालाई फिर्ता गरोस्, कुनै पनि जात्रापर्वका लागि एक पैसा पनि दिनु पर्दैन। बरु त्यस्को आयस्ताले पूरा मन्त्रिमण्डललाई भतुवा पाले जस्तै पाल्ने जिम्मा जनताले लिनेछ। --mysansar
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Posted on 09-22-08 12:38
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Posted on 09-22-08 1:17
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Nepe states,"State funding for the ritualistic animal sacrificing must be terminated purely on the ETHICAL ground (irrespective of whether the sate is secular or non-secular)." Even if it means losing our Identity ? ha ha ha What about cultural heritage ? What the fug is ethics ? By western civilization standard ? These are the very elements that defines what we call Nepali society. But these fuggers would have us wearing Uniforms and Number tags if we keep going this path. Nepe States,"However, like for just about anything in a democratic society and particularly when we already have a degree of political stability, every change must be brought after sufficient education/sensitization/publicity and public debate. (it seems to me that our leadership/bureaucracy is still has a secretive and fearful mentality of Panchayat era !)" Ummmm Duh education/sensitization/ sensitivity ? ha ha ha Is this a fugging joke ? What is this a freshman class on change ? ha ha ha We are still in the secretive and fearful mentality of Panchayat era ? ha ha ha This Nepe gadha is in fugging la la land. Ummm LAST TIME I CHECKED WE ARE IN THE SECRETIVE AND FEARFUL ERA OF THE MAOIST GADHA !! Nepe States,"The state needs to have a long term vision for a slow transformation of itself to model after the principle of “secularism” leaving the matter of religious and cultural PRACTICES primarily to the local communities themselves. And start a civil war ? How the fug you gonna divide the money then MORON ? how much will Sherpa's get for their Lhosaar ? how much Bahun's get for Janai purnii ? And Newars for Indrajatra ? You remedy is likely to a community led ethnic civil war MORON. Nepe states," The current agitation is a result of government’s lack of PR skill. It must learn the lesson (of the importance of the publicity, sensitization, public debate and so on)." Duhhhhh Ummm You repeat Publicity, Sensitization, and Public debate like a mantra MORON. ha ha ha HOW WILL WE SOLVE NEPAL'S PROBLEMS .....DUUH PUBLICITY, SENSITIZATION, PUBLIC DEBATE. HA HA HA NEPAL MA BIKAS KO MUUL KASARI PHUTAUNEY ? BY PUBL;ICITY, SENSITIVITY AND PUBLIC DEBATE. HA HA HA Nepe," There is also misunderstanding (some deliberate) on part of the agitators ( and our Sajha supporters as well). But I blame the government for it anyway. (“आफ्नो थैली राम्रोसंग बाँध्नु, अरुलाई दोष नदिनु” भ निन्छ नि )what misunderstanding about the governtment wanting to curb newari society and culture ? And this is supposed to be a democratic society ? It was not long ago that the govt did not een let Newari folks open up a language school. Now they want to limit jatras ? afno thali ramro sanga badhnu aru lai dosh nadinu rey ? Ayyy tyeso bhayey tyo jun manchey haru Nepal ko dayaniyaa sthiti lai responsible chan tiniharu lai chahi Nepe Gadha wants to give them a free pass then. he he
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Posted on 09-22-08 2:06
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यो मुद्दा धर्म सापेक्ष वा धर्म निरपेक्ष भन्ने हैन, गुठीको जग्गा सरकारले अधिग्रहण गरेर मासेपछि संस्कृति चलाउन सरकारले बजेट नदिइ सुख ?
हैन भने सम्पूर्ण नेवारको गुठी जग्गा फिर्ता दे ।
नेवार अधिन रहेको सम्पत्ति माथि कर लिन बन्द गर ।
तराइमा आप्रवासि बनेर भारतबाट १०-२० बर्ष अगाडि छिरेका र भारतीय दलाल नेताहरुको अनुकम्पाले नेपाली नागरीकता पाएकाहरुले सुकुम्बासि भनेर जग्गा जमीन लुट्दै छन । उपत्यका भित्रका भुमिपुत्र नेवारहरुको जग्गा जमीन चै षडयन्त्र गरेर हडपेको छ । अब त्यो सबै जग्गाजमिन खोसेर फिर्ता लिने दिन आएको छ । नेवारहरुप्रति यस्तै असहिष्णु रवैया अपनाउने हो भने एकदिन तरवार लिएर नेवा सेना मैदानमा उत्रने छ , हडपेको जग्गा एक एक खोसेर आफ्नो प्राधिकार सुरक्षित राख्ने छ ।
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Posted on 09-22-08 2:10
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ईन्द्रजात्रा मा देखिएको बाबु राम जात्रा बारे नेवार र गैर नेवार बीच फाटो ल्याउने कुचाल साझा भित्र पनि देखियो। देश मा त छर्लङ नै भैसक्यो। जात्रा, पर्ब कुनै जाती बिशेष को हुँदैन। नेवार कुनै जाती हुँदै होइन। नेवारी भाषी समुदायको परिचयबाचक् नाम हो। नेवार भित्र ब्राम्हण, छेत्री , बैश्य र शुद्र सबै छन। त्यसमाथि बौद्धमार्गिहरुको संख्या उल्लेख्य ईन्द्रजात्रा को जात्रा मात्र १५ हजार को कुरा होइन। लाखे नाच चलाऊनको लागि सरकारी कोषबाट दिइने १५ हजार त साझाका पाठकहरु मध्ये जो कोइले दिन
असली कुरो देशको संस्क्रिती माथि बर्बर प्रहार हो। आज ईन्द्र जात्रा मा गरे, भोली भक्तपुर को बिस्केट जात्रामा गर्ला। पर्सी मिथिलाको छठ पर्ब मा गर्ला, निपर्सी जानकी मन्दिरलाई वाइस्याल बस्ने धर्मशाला बनाउछु भन्ला। जाती र संसक्रितिमाथिको सुनियोजित आक्रमण को प्रथम चरण थियो माओवादी को । अर्थात पूर्ण साम्यवाद को पहिलो अभ्यास हो। धर्म मनाउने स्वतन्त्रता, वाक स्वतन्त्रता, अझ भनुं मान्छे भएर बाँच्न पाउने मानवाधिकार माथि को पहिलो र अचूक आक्रमण हो।
नेवार को पर्ब र जात्रा माथि आक्रमण हुंदा नेवार जाती लाई हेलाँ गर्ने मित्रहरु हो, बाबुराम र माओवादी को बाघ ले तिमीहरुको घरको बाख्री लाई पनि छोड्नेवाला छैन। अहिले नेवार लाई गाली गरेर ताली बजाउदा को स्वाद आफ्नो घर माथि आफन्तको जिउने अधिकार माथि पोल्पोट शैली लाडे पछी थाहा हुन्छ।
निश्चय नै बली दिने कार्य आज को युग सुहाउदो छैन। बली को बिरोध गर्नुस्। भन्दा पहिला, मान्छे को जिउने अधिकार सुनिस्चित गर्नुस्, माओवादीका जयजयकार गर्ने स्वघोषित विद्वानहरु। १३ हजार निर्दोष नागरिकहरु को बली के केही जनावर बली भन्दा पीडादायक थिएन र? रामहरिको बली के रांगो बली भन्दा दर्दनाक थिएन र? जल्लाद हरुको हात ले शान्तिको परेवा उडाउने नाटक बन्द गरे हुन्छ। अध्यारोमा जनता राखेर माओले जस्तै शासन चलाऊन फेरी माओ जिउदो भए पनि सकिन्न। डा बाबु राम को आफ्नै श्रीमती हिसिला नेवार समुदाय कै चेली हुन र पनि बाबु राम ले यो दुस्साहस गरे। त्यसमा पनि कुनै आश्चर्य छैन। माओबाद को बिर्को लागे पछी बिद्यावारीधी गरेको विद्वान को त यो हाल हुन्छ भने, तिनकी श्रीमती ले आफ्नो जातिय पहिचान बिर्सन कत्रो ठुलो कुरा भयो र? कार्यकर्तालाई बाड्ने कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत १ अरब १७ करोड खर्छ छुट्याउन सक्ने ले बर्षाको २-३ लाख जोगार गर्न न सक्ने होइन। हिसाब कमजोर पक्कै होइनन बाबु राम दम्पती । चुरो कुरो संस्क्रिती माथि बर्बर आक्रमण हो। यो आक्रमण तपाईंहरु को घर दैलो सम्म आउँदैन भन्ने के ग्यारेन्टी?
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Posted on 09-22-08 2:16
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It is the lack of vision of the government.... desh banauneh neta haru !!! Stupids !!!..
whoever claims it is a good and has been done for the sake of development... I will just tell you "didn't you see with your blind eyes the act of govt. when the nation was completely flooded".... dekhi halyo nih timra desh baaanauneh neta haru ko taaaal....
taarai was under water and they were busy fighting for kursi.... you have seen well how many months it took to finally agree on to form a government....
k kaarauchau desh ko develop garnah and fund ko ramro use garnah bhanerah ?????????
were not these the same guys, who used to damage the infrastructure of the nation like bridges, schools, public telephones ???? forgot those so easily or you suffer from alzheimer ????
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Posted on 09-22-08 2:34
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Last edited: 22-Sep-08 02:34 PM
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Posted on 09-22-08 2:34
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namaskar dai, 100% mero maan ko kura bhannu bhayo ....... ahile indra jatra bata suru bhayeko cha, newar ko dukha ma tali bajaune haru ho, ahile newar le adhikar ko ladai hare bhane timi haru ko pani palo aune cha. Kahile bujhne hun nepali harule jaat, dharma, sanskriti nahune maobadi haruko chaal
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Posted on 09-22-08 7:01
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Baburam should resign !! That's it. This idiot crazyguy is useless.. nothing can be expected from this guy except disorder and idiotic steps from this @ashole.
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Posted on 09-22-08 7:24
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Posted on 09-22-08 8:04
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You JAPPU's are one of the biggest supporter of Maboadi's; look what you got in return for supporting these ass-holes. These maobadi's used you and now time to throw.
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Posted on 09-22-08 8:39
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Baburam's penis should be cut-off !! His two testicles shoud be fried and fed to dogs.
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Posted on 09-22-08 8:41
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Haina, hami jhagada nagarum hola. Mero bichar ma Rs 12 million dherai nai bhayena ra animal sacrifice ko lagi..when the rest of the country is starving..literally starving. People in western Nepal dont even have bhat to eat. Ghanti herera had neelnu paryo nee..khali moj masti matrai garera ke garney.
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Posted on 09-23-08 12:09
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राहुलभैया, १०८ बोका, खसी, रङा कट्ने खर्छ नदिन्दा सम्स्क्रिती कसरी नाश हुन्छ तपाईं जस्ताइ बिध्वन लाई मात्र थाहा होला। तेसोभै सकहरी ले त दशै मनाउन्दै मनाउनन भन्दा पनि भयो क्यर ?? १०।५ मिल्लिओन खर्छ गर्दो राइछ ताउशी कोश्खना, गुठी संस्थानले बर्सेनी । आकाशइन्दो महानगी ले दुई छ्हक खान नपौनीए पनि धेरै भाईरहेक चन नेपालमा । सम्स्क्रिती बाट अदम्बरिपन लाई हतौन खोज्नु बाबुराम को ठुलो शाहअस हो भन्छु मत । भाईरहेको चलन र सम्स्क्रिती को नाम म सर्बसाधारण लाई दशै मनाउन कत्तिको गर्हो पर्छ, तपाईं मुग्लङे लाई k थाह ? । अर्कको देखसिखी, कोख्रो अदम्बर ले गर्द, दशै कत्ती को लागि दशा पनि भईको छ । डेश संघईय गणतन्त्र म गैसकेको छ । भोली नेवार जतिको लागि मात्रै सरकार ले पैसा खर्छ गर्छ भनेर अन्य जतिले आन्दोलन गर्न बेर लौन्दैन । एक जतिबिशेष सन्स्क्रिती प्रती सरकारले अनुग्रह देखौने अर्कोलाई हेला गर्ने भनी तपाईंले जस्तइ सन्स्क्रिती माथि के रे "बर्बर हस्तच्यप गर्यो, नेवारी पर्ब र जात्रा माथि आक्रमण" भयो भने भने सरकार ले के जवब दिनीए होला । फेरी बिदेशी हरुको सहयोग बाट चल्ने हाम्रो देशमा, सरकारले पशुबली को लागि तेत्रो पैसा खर्छ गर्दा दाताहरुलाई कसरी चित्त बुझौने होला । मुङ्लन बस्ने तपाईंलाई क्रुएल्ती अगैन्स्त यानिमलस को बारेमा थाहा होल नि । मलाई थाहा छैन, १०८ वत खसी, बोका अनी रङा हरु कातेछी त्यो मासु कस्ले लान्छ ।।। कती प्रतिशत नेपाली हरुले खन्द राइचन . कसरी बाद्छन होल है ?? । बहुन छेत्री लाई खसी बोक, नेवार लाई राङा गर्छन् कि, के छ ? यस् बारेमा पनि एसो औन्ला चलाऊनु भा भे हुन्थ्यो ? खसी बोक रङा कातेर , दाजु, सम्स्क्रिती जोगिन्दैन, तेस्को बजेट काट्दैमा सन्स्क्रिती हरौन्दैन पनि । तपाईंले भनेजस्तो नेवारी कल्चर म आक्रमण भएको पनि छैन । वास्तव म काठमाडौं उपत्यका मा मनैने पर्व हरु, नेवार को मात्र नभै सरह देश को हो । देशको सम्पन्न समुदैमा गनिने नेवारहरुले आफ्नो सम्स्क्रिती बच्चाउने धेरै उपाय सोच्न सक्छन, विश्वभर कला सम्स्क्रिती फैलौन सफल नेवार समुदयको कल्चर बाबुराम दाई को निर्णय बाट ध्वस्त भयो भन्नु, राहुलदै ले चन्के म डान्स गर्न खोजे जस्तो लाग्यो । व्हाइ स्याल, युथ फोर्स हरु को लजिक बाट प्रभावित जस्तो लाग्यो । तथास्तू
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Posted on 09-23-08 1:03
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हाम्रो कुमारी देखाएर पर्यटक भित्राउन बन्द गर द ल्यान्ड अफ लिभिङ् गडेस भनेर विदेशमा प्रचार गर्न बन्द गर विदेशी अतिथिलाई स्वागत गर्न धिमे बाजा बजाउन बन्द गर कुमारी देखाएर नेपालको परिचय दिन हुने अनि त्यसबाट विदेशी पर्यटक भित्राउन हुने अनि त्यही कुमारीको जात्राका लागि 15 हजार रुपैयाँ दिन चाहिँ राष्ट्रिय बजेटको दुरुपयोग ? khai yo maobadi neta haru le ke garna khojeko develop garchu bhandai ma chali raheko culture ta bandh garna bhaena ni anyjasko afno kunai culture chiana tesle ke arka ko culutre ko feeling bujla .
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Posted on 09-23-08 2:52
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BC you are posting ur reactions on a wrong thread. however they are regarding the same topic.
I agree with u on the first point. I don't think the government should ban religious sacrifices based on ethics. But then banning scarifices does not mean we lose ur identity, ie, cultural. I believe our culture is more than animal sacrifices. I have no problem with the premise here but i think u go over board on ur explanations.
But i completely agree with nepe's point 4. i think it was regarding granting local communities more rights to stage festivals and jatras. I disagree when u say there will be a civil war if we do this. I see that throughout our reaction u tend to get hyper.
By empowering local communities (ie, guthis, VDCs, Wards, municipalities), we let them make their own decisions regarding their local culture and festivals. For example let them decide whether to use the fund for sacarice or to construct a new chariot. How is this a bad idea? By letting them decide, we are making them less dependent on the government which is already weak. Furtherrmore, tomorrow if there is a problem, maybe, people would go to their woda or vdc office or municipality to complain and not resort to street protests pelting stones and destroying infrastructures that are already decaying.
Surely government can help with some fund, security, permits to use public space for festivities. But the community can do more, ie recruit volunteer or raise additional money (probably more than what government can raise).
Regarding distribution for public fund and how much the government should allocate, just look at the community in question. Which needs more and which needs less. If it is an affluent area with museums, restaurants that thive because of the locale it is in or has guthi that is rich as apposed to those in dire state, the local authority (with aid from the central government) can manage most expenses. Forexample: VAT collected from, let's say thypothetically, two months from Restaurants in Basantapur could be directly channled to a fund that is set to organize Indra Jatra. Or part of the entry free from Basantaput museum could go to the funding of another festival. Maybe the businesses who benefit from let's say dasai or other festivals could be encouraged to donate to the concerned guthi. Maybe organize a mela and generate revenue.
But for another place, which is less affluent, the government could do show more direct help.
Regarding PR, again BC i have to go with nepe. Government sucks at it man. There are no prompt press releases. Baburam or any of his aides do not address the protesters directly and immediately calling for calm and. They are slow to react or they don't care. one or the other. they always wait for the day after. Better PR public interactions, forums, goodwill gesture and propoganda) alone with not slove the bigger problems. but these gestures should be taken into consideration in the larger scheme of problem solving. these pr stunts should also harmonize or assuage the strains between the public and the government.
I support Newars' (and others' too) cultural rights. So, I am making a case for more decentralized approach to dealing with the cultures and festivals of Nepal because a center oriented think tank cannot think efficiently and do justice to the diaspora of cultures that we have in Nepal.
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Posted on 09-23-08 8:03
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lamak 98,
maobadi haru lai support garne hami JYAPU ??? tara maobadi haru ta timrai tuppiwal bau baje haru hun ni ...... feri thula thula akchyar ma JYAPU lekhda timro atma lai santi huncha jasto cha ...... artha bujheka chau JYAPU ko. artha nabujhi katthar indian dhoti haru le nepali lai BAHADUR bhanera bolaunu jastai ho timile hamilai JYAPU bhanera bolaunu. JYAPU ko artha jasto sukai garho kaam lai siddyaune manche ho. Ho hami garba ka sath bhanchau hami JYAPU haun, timiharu jasto thutuno matra chalayera, arulai ladayera, tapari ma magera thagera khane jaat hainam.
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Posted on 09-23-08 10:55
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Livewire, "I agree with u on the first point. I don't think the government should ban religious sacrifices based on ethics. But then banning scarifices does not mean we lose ur identity, ie, cultural. I believe our culture is more than animal sacrifices. I have no problem with the premise here but i think u go over board on ur explanations." When I am saying banning I am not just talking about sacrifices... I am talking about our paramparaaa ritiriwaz etc. etc that define nepalis not just as newars but there are sub cultures in newars too. My sentiment is that we brought dddoukwasjii for freedom and this discussion of banning reverses exactly what the people strived for. Before it used to be that king banned this and the king banned that----> I DO NOT SEE ANY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEN AND NOW. As far as the animal sacrifices are concerned ... I grew up watching them(did not agree with them neither did my family) but people have the right to believe in what they want. It is inhumane for us to see animal sacrifice but for a butcher its part of a daily life. Livewire,"But i completely agree with nepe's point 4. i think it was regarding granting local communities more rights to stage festivals and jatras. I disagree when u say there will be a civil war if we do this. I see that throughout our reaction u tend to get hyper." Ok easier said than done. Then how are you going to divide the money ? Don't tell me that tyo dasain ma hanuman dhoka sacrifices will get $$$$ while Indrajatra won't ? Or that Shivaratri will get $$ while GAI JATRA won't ? or that Tihar celebrations would get $$$ while Lhosar won't ? I am not getting hyper I am just conutering your argument. YOU CANNOT JUST PASS THE BUCK AND SAY ITS UP TO THEM. A GOVT> AND A LEADER"S JOB IS TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM NOT PASS THE BUCK. Here NEPE GADHA WANTS TO PASS THE BUCK. Livewire,"By empowering local communities (ie, guthis, VDCs, Wards, municipalities), we let them make their own decisions regarding their local culture and festivals. For example let them decide whether to use the fund for sacarice or to construct a new chariot. How is this a bad idea? By letting them decide, we are making them less dependent on the government which is already weak. Furtherrmore, tomorrow if there is a problem, maybe, people would go to their woda or vdc office or municipality to complain and not resort to street protests pelting stones and destroying infrastructures that are already decaying." ok then GIVE BACK ALL THE LANDS THAT WAS ENGULFED BY THE GOVT SO THAT THEY CAN FUND THEIR OWN FESTIVALS. THE DEAL WAS TO FUND FESTIVALS IN RETURN FOR LAND------> AND NOW THEY WANT TO TAKE THAT AWAY TOO ? THE QUESTION HERE IS FOR FUNDS NOT ANIMAL SACRIFICES. THEY TOOK ALL THE LANDS FROM GUTHIS IN RETURN FOR FUNDING THESE FESTIVALS ABA AYERA NA GUTHI KO LAND CHA NA GOVT LEY PAISA DIYAA CHA. That is like giving the middle finger to newari society. Livewire,"Surely government can help with some fund, security, permits to use public space for festivities. But the community can do more, ie recruit volunteer or raise additional money (probably more than what government can raise)." Yeah again GIVE BACK ALL OF THE LAND THAT THE GOVT. TOOK FROM NEWARI GUTHIS THEN WE CAN TALK. Livewire," Regarding distribution for public fund and how much the government should allocate, just look at the community in question. Which needs more and which needs less. If it is an affluent area with museums, restaurants that thive because of the locale it is in or has guthi that is rich as apposed to those in dire state, the local authority (with aid from the central government) can manage most expenses." ha ha ha In your logic some dinky town in the middle of nowhere would get the same amount of money as NYC ? ha ha ha If NYC pays more $$$ in federal taxes they should get more back into their community than that dinky old town. That is like telling residents of KTM to goto hell. If they are paying more than other they should get more back from th govt. otherwiswe they wil pay the exact same amount of taxes as those gouns and keep their revenues to themselves to fund whatever they want. TALK ABOUT FAIRNESS. I SUPPORT THE NEWARS TOO BUT I THINK THIS IS REALLY UNFAIR IN TERMS OF WHAT THE NEWARI SOCIETY HAVE BEEN PUT THROUGH IN THE LAST CENTURY. And if this govt. fails to make these right for them then they just might have another rebellion in hand.
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Posted on 09-23-08 11:05
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Ho hami garba ka sath bhanchau hami JYAPU haun, timiharu jasto thutuno matra chalayera, arulai ladayera, tapari ma magera thagera khane jaat hainam - dami gayo ritthe dai.