It's about 11pm in the night, ready to sleep, and you are talking with your girl on the bed. All of a sudden, she raises up a small issue, makes it really big and keeps on arguing. After hours of arguing it's almost 2, and still I dont see now way to end the conversation as she keeps on repeating the same questions which have been answered several times. Since I have to go to work in morning, to end the situtaion, I apologise and say that I am wrong, but that doesn't help. I go to different bedroom so that that I can sleep but she comes there too and start arguing again and turns on all the lights in the house so I can't sleep. Then I run to another bedroom where I lock myself up so that I can sleep. She gets more pissed off, bangs the door and threatened me to open the door which I completely ignore as I was ready to sleep. She then brings my tools works for almost half an hour and finally breaks the door which I thought was not that easy. More pissed off I run to another bed room and double lock up myself, then she finally goes back to sleep as she became exhauseted working on the door earlier. She becomes this crazy once in a while and this time was around her period which might have spiked her hormone. So questions now:
How would you have handled similar situation?
Am I in some kind of danger or is there a risk of ruining my career. btw, I am a unmarried man holding a good job working 9-4 at a reputable company.