The Moeslem people entirely seems to be punished by their God due to the extrememe radical doings and dismay to negligence of their holy verses from their God. Being these religious claimed originated from the sky from the medieval times, it has getting a long in world history as it profound later on post-downstream than ealier ancient Hindus.
Hinduism with its very own metaphysics acclaimed and proven been the source catalyst of all consciences of religious affiliated movement since the beginning of Veda`s time in memorial. Dated to this moment also long ago before the Moeslem Islam was worships, it is claimed that it was Lord of Universe, none other than the Istadevata of the Supreme Lord Shiva as God Surya MahaDeva in the forms of Shiva Lingga surround by Nine planets that resembles of nine stones been presides and divinely worships by pilgrims that visited Kaaba/ Mecca during the premedieval periods before Islam came in radiants.....was blatantly destroyed by their ancestor ~Prophet Abraham destroyed idols and statues worshipped by his own father and by his community. See the Qur’ân 21: 57 – 58 ....
With the alarming notes of this openning cabin-schools or madrasa Moeslem in the constitutes of beginning now of eight percent of Moeslem or more out of the total population in Nepal, these development movement must be taken into consideration seriously and carefuly on behalf of our MotherNepal and world statuory of Temple heritage of Hinduism as a resourceful consciences avail / left precisely only in Nepal ( eg: Vishnu Kranti, Lumbini`s footage silalekhas`s ,Stupas and many more...) is in danger as the latest happening that concerns Moeslems has provokes world community are now in triggers as the radicals demolishing of Buddhist statues in Afghanistan by the Moeslems lately......