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 How to type in letterhead
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Posted on 07-01-14 6:22 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi Guys,

I already have some letterhead from some office (Nepal). i need to type some context in that letterhead. I tried scanning that and adding the text on the scanned letterhead,it won't look real. How can i print the text i want on this real letterhead?

any help will be highly appreciated.

Posted on 07-01-14 7:42 AM     [Snapshot: 30]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sounds like a case of forgery. Bank Balance banauna lagya jasto chha ho?

JK. Photoshop may be?
Posted on 07-01-14 11:24 AM     [Snapshot: 83]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Step 1: Make at least 5 copies (or more if needed) of the original.

Step 2: Use Microsoft word and type in your content. Select the size of the word file appropriately. In case of Nepal, size of the A4 may be little off than the standard one.

Step 3: Print this file on the copy of the original files you just made. Try multiple times for the best fit.

Step 4: Finally print it on your original letter - head only when your are 100% sure (in step 3) of the size & orientation.

I discourage using Photoshop & or typing on the scanned copy.
Posted on 07-01-14 11:54 AM     [Snapshot: 113]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Dude. He is not talking about printing in a letterhead page. He is talking about adding some text on the letterhead itself.
Posted on 07-01-14 1:56 PM     [Snapshot: 159]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I can help you out. send the link of your scanned letterhead in my sajha inbox. Make sure you use a high resolution: 2400 pixels & 8.5" x 11.7" size scan to be exact.

* If you don't have access to this, you could always go to FedEx or some copy center in order to do so.
* Use dropbox or google drive or any other cloud storage sharing will work.
Posted on 07-01-14 5:02 PM     [Snapshot: 198]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Not sure if i put it right. Let's say i have ABC (school) letterhead already(hard Copy). I need to print out this letter head with some recommendation(as a recom. letter) and have someone signed physically.
Posted on 07-01-14 8:52 PM     [Snapshot: 249]     Reply [Subscribe]
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U sure didn't.
Do you have access to a printer? Open one of the paper tray, remove a paper from the tray. Mark this paper with x on top of the paper. Now put the paper back and open notepad or word. Type anything an print. Whatever u wrote will be printed on the paper u just put in. Notice where the printed letter appear in respect to the X that u had marked earlier. Now you know how to feed the paper to correctly align the write up.

Now make a copy if the letterhead page. Put the copy in the printer making sure it is oriented such that whatever you print will be printed on the right side. Those your context and Print and make sure it printed right. Do the same with original.
Posted on 07-01-14 9:40 PM     [Snapshot: 272]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Simple thing!! Just put the letterhead in your printer feeder and print the information using the printer. The content will be printed in your letterhead.

Couple of things to be considered:
- Make sure to have some margin at the top of the page to avoid writing over the original letterhead content.
- Make sure you place the letterhead correctly in the printer feeder so that when you print in your letterhead it does not print on the other side of the paper.

To avoid wasting your precious letterhead(s), try printing on a regular paper as suggested by Kiddo and compare it with your original letterhead to find out where the content will be finally placed.
Also make sure that you select A4 for paper size. Finally take the print-out and someone can physically sign it.
Last edited: 01-Jul-14 11:16 PM

Posted on 07-01-14 10:03 PM     [Snapshot: 281]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks Brothers,appreciate your help.Jai Nepal

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