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Posted on 04-06-06 12:50
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xjfO{ cfqmd0fsf lj?4 eJo ljho xfl;nÚ g]kfn sDo'lgi6 kf6L{ -dfcf]jfbL_ s]Gb|Lo ;ldlt k|]; jQmJo )$^ ;fnsf] P]ltxfl;s hgcfGbf]ng, /fhtGqsf lj?4 pTsif{df k'u]sf] lbg cfh r}q @$ ut] g]kfnL qmflGtsf] Oltxf;df hgd'lQm ;]gfn] Ps gof“ sLlt{dfg sfod u/]sf] 5 . xfd|f] kf6L{sf] k"jL{ sdf08 cGtu{t sfo{/t hgd'lQm ;]gfsf] Ps l8lehgn] ;nf{xL lhNnfsf] ;b/d'sfddfly ;fxl;s cfqmd0f u/L slyt l;l8cf] nufotsf ;'/Iff clwsf/LnfO{ cfkm\gf] sAhfdf lnO{ km+s{b} ubf{ xjfO{ cfqmd0fdf cfPsf] b'Zdgsf] x]lnsK6/dfly qmflGtsf/L of]4fx?åf/f Jofks cfqmd0f ubf{ ;f] x]lnsK6/ -PdcfO–!&_ cfh ljxfg sl/a 8]9 ah] cfsf;d} cfunfuL / ljikmf]6;lxt Wj:t ePsf] 5 . hgd'lQm ;]gfsf lj?4 sfo{jfxLsf gfddf hgtfdfly cGwfw'Gw xjfO{ cfqmd0f ub}{ cfPsf] ;f] x]lnsK6/ s]xL lbg cufl8 l;Gw'kfNrf]ssf] 7f]skf{df klg k|of]u ePsf] lyof] . laxfg slyt zfxL ;]gfsf] PrSo'df pgLx?sf] cfkm\g} ;+rf/ ;]6af6 klxnf] l/kf]l6{Ë ubf{ slyt cft+ssf/Lx?sf] cfqmd0faf6 x]lnsK6/ Wj:t ePsf] elgPsf]df clxn] slyt zfxL ;]gfsf] dgf]an agfO /fVg] s'lT;t dg;fon] cfqmd0fsf] 36gfnfO{ b'3{6gf agfpg] d08n] k|k~r ul/Psf] 5 . jf:tljstf of] xf] ls hgd'lQm ;]gfn] cfw'lgs / 3/]n' k|ljlwsf] k|of]u u/L klxnf]k6s b'Zdgsf] slyt xjfO{ cfqmd0fsf lj?4 eJo ljho xfl;n u/]sf] 5 . :d/0f/xf];\ lx+hf]dfq alb{ofsf] d}gfkf]v/df xhf/f}+ hgtfsf] cfd ;efdfly cfqmd0f ug{ cfPsf] x]lnsK6/nfO{ klZrd sdf08cGtu{t hgd'lQm ;]gfsf] csf]{ 6's8Låf/f cfqmd0f u/L 7"nf] Iflt;lxt ;b/d'sfddf cfsl:ds ?kn] cf]/fNg afWo kfl/Psf] lyof] . klZrd sdf08sf cg';f/ pQm cfqmd0fkZrft\ ;f] x]lnsK6/, w'“jf k'Qfp“b} efu]sf] b]v]/ hg;d'bfon] lgs} pT;fxsf ;fy sfo{qmd ;DkGg kf/]sf lyP . cfh P]ltxfl;s lbg / lg/+s'z /fhtGqsf lj?4 lg0ff{os ;+3if{sf] k|lqmofdf xfl;n ul/Psf] ;kmntfsf] of] gof“ sLlt{dfgsf nflu kf6L{ tyf hgd'lQm ;]gfsf] s]Gb|Lo sfof{nosf tkm{af6 d ;fdfGotM l;+uf] hg;}Go k+lQm / ljz]iftM k"jL{ sdf08 / cfqmd0fdf ;+nUg To; cGtu{tsf] l8lehgsf ;Dk"0f{ sd/]8 / of]4fx?df xflb{s awfO{ Pj+ wGojfb 1fkg ub{5' . lg/+s'ztGqsf n7}tdfly hgd'lQm ;]gfn] xfl;n u/]sf] of] gof“ ljho tyf pkTosfdf nlntk'/sf hgtfn] ;of}+ k|x/LnfO{ 3]g]{ / nv]6\g] k|lqmofaf6 cufl8 a9]sf] P]ltxfl;s hg–cfGbf]ng lbj; ca ;fdGtL lg/+s'ztGqaf6 ;bfsf nflu d'Qm nf]stflGqs gof“ g]kfnsf] lgdf{0f gx'“bf;Dd /f]lsg] 5}g . o; P]ltxfl;s cj;/df ;+ljwfg;ef dfkm{t nf]stflGqs u0ftGqsf] :yfkgf ug]{ k|lqmof ;'lglZrt gx'“bf;Dd cfGbf]ngsf] cf“lwa]x/L v8f ul/ /xg xfd|f] kf6L{ pkTosfnufot b]zsf ;a} ju{, hflt, If]q / ln+usf cfd hg;d'bfo;“u xflb{s clkn ub{5 . ;fdGtL lg/+s'ztGqsf] k/fho / hgtfsf] ljho ;'lglZrt 5 . ldlt M– @$ r}q @)^@ k|r08 cWoIf g]=s=kf=-dfcf]jfbL_ Source : - http://krishnasenonline.org/detail.htm#ch24
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Posted on 04-06-06 12:58
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Propaganda, propaganda, propaganda.... - http://www.nepalnews.com/archive/2006/apr/apr06/news18.php "The MoD also ruled out the claim of the Maoists that the chopper had been downed by them. Quoting the RNA’s technical team that investigated the site, the statement said that the chopper was fitted with armoured plated on its bottom and that the rebels are not known to have weapons to shoot down this type of chopper, which was flying beyond shooting range when it met with the accident."
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Posted on 04-06-06 12:59
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What font is this? can you put it in readable nepali font pls, can use sajha converter if you want
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Posted on 04-06-06 2:55
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maobadhi terriost ho
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Posted on 04-06-06 6:32
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Gyane le ke bhanchha tehi Prachanda Bolchha !!!! Don't gvet too much carried away with his statements... That's just a bullshit.
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Posted on 04-06-06 6:33
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Above is the picture: Seven party supporters staging a protest rally in the first day of their four-day long general strike at New Baneshwore, Thursday, Apr 07 06. nepalnews.com/rh
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Posted on 04-06-06 11:13
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Whoever is killed in this chaos for power, whether it's maoist, security forces or general people, Nepaleses are dying. When will we realise this and stop killing our own brothers and sisters? Why are some people so fool, withstanding the corrupt hold for their own good even when they know the destiny, history is all so obvious with tyrants and their innocent families being killed by their own people. Or are we being fooled by other people.? Why are we so helpless even to help ourselves? Why can't we stand for our own good? Why are we acting like a mere spectators, with wishes for the good change? or are we habituated of accepting everything as our destany, with wishes that good things will be granted. WHO WILL STOP US IF WE ALL NEPALESE GET OUT OF OUR HOMES AND MOVE FORWARD AND BREAK THESE CHAIN OF OPPRESSION AND CHOOSE OUR OWN DESTANY??? IT WILL JUST TAKE A MOMENT AND TIMES AFTER THAT WE WILL BE THANKFUL TO OURSELVES.