There was such a revolution to kick the x-king out but when we have an
Indian agent
representing us there was a revolution but after few days
whatever said and done seems
to be past. At least king was way better
than this Yadav who calls himself Indian proudly.
The whole game
planner through all our revolution has been India. They wanted the
king out so they supported the Maoist wing to aid their effort. When
Maoist won the election
, India again switched its support towards
NEpali Congress and the Madhesi party.
Now we have people in power that
will work towards India's advantage rather than work
towards Nepal's
future. Dam, this poltical drama makes me sick.
Always revolution after revolution for what --- for naya Nepal or give
India the chance to
dictate its term towards us. If only we were
smarter this would never take place. But look
where we are now, out of
place where different race is about to put their trace to give us
disgrace still in first base tied in our own shoe lace more like a
charity case searching for
our culture's space corrupt leader to
embrace still watching the political rat race facing another
case same
leaders to replace always looking for that hope of ace.
Last edited: 28-Jul-08 04:19 PM
Last edited: 28-Jul-08 04:20 PM
Last edited: 28-Jul-08 04:21 PM