Here are the steps:
1. Get 4 pounds of raw lamb or goat meat, not much with bone ( Chitwan jasto Taas ko lagi, No chicken)
2. add salt, 2 tea spoon of cumin powder, 6 tea spoon of meat (goat) masala, 5 to 10 sliced green clilies.
3. add one tea spoon Beasr
4. add 2 to 5 cups of sliced garlic and zinger( you can add as much as you can Chitwan ko jasto Masala ko lagi,, Bhuja or Chiura ma halera khana lai)
5. Mix all well with some oil.
6. keep it for 4,5 hours
7. Get a flat-thick-bottom cooking pot ( flat non sticky pan is okay)
8. Heat some oil and add the meat
9 . cook in low heat, do not add water or anything
10. if the garlic, zinger, and chilies get red, take them out and cook the meat until it gets done
Enjoy with cold beer...