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 Connecting Notebook to DSL
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Posted on 12-16-09 10:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi IT experts,

I want to connect my laptop (windows server 2003) with DSL internet in my work place. Another desktop is connected to the DSL internet (NOT wireless). I can not use that desktop. I connected Ethernet cable with the modem to my notebook but no use.

Can anybody help me about this please?


Posted on 12-16-09 11:16 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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What kind of Modem? It's provided by DSL Internet Service company or Linksys. If it Linksys, look at the manual, its easy. 
But you can go this way, make sure all lines are connected though. 
First, configure your laptop. On Internet Protocol( TCP/IP) click Properties and select Obtain an IP address automatically and Click OK. Then you have to restart your laptop. 

On your laptop browser type:        http://   If the login window displays, enter admin in the User Name field and  password in thePassword field.  Click OK. 
The User Settings screen will display if you haven't previously changed your password from the default value. You are required to change at least your password to continue. 

You can enter the default of "admin" in the User Name field or you can enter a new user name.
Enter a new password in the New Password field. You cannot use the default value of "Password."

Re-enter the new password in the Retype New Password field.

Click Apply to save your new user settings.

After this follow whatever the instruction on Setting Screen display.  Good luck. 
Last edited: 16-Dec-09 11:19 PM

Posted on 12-17-09 7:39 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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look at the back side of the modem, there should me a small reset hole, use a pin or paper clip to press the reset button for about 20 seconds. The modem will reset and restart. now try and see if you get to the internet via your notebook.
in the windows, if you have selected any specific ip address to connect to the internet then select the option where it says something like "let windows automatically". do the same for the dns option.


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