BMW is my baby! However I can’t drive her, I can only ride her. I ride her most nights, some mornings and some days. She is strong, heavy, high mileage and she needs lot of fuel. I still love her coz she is my Big Mexican Woman and only ride to my American dream.
The shittiest thing I ever heard from my homie Kumcha Rai’s mouth, “ Wait! Ma goo hagna janchhu.” I’m like , “ Go to Hell dude.”
Prakash need 2 crore to go to Everest journey. Can I get only 100K to get his balls smashed?
You know you are a gay when you watch Korean movies. I am just saying…bruv!
You know how our diet is.. too much bhat or chaamal or bhuja or however you call it. We are fit everywhere except that our belly pops out so ugly that American can’t figure out whether its beer belly or the dude is in his first trimester.
You know you are gay when you say Awwwww…..I’m just saying bruv.
( I see that in FB most of the time. Girl,” I miss my Lucy.” Guy,” Awww…hope you will see her soon.” )
Gas price is sky rocketing but it doesn’t affect me. Because no matter what I am always getting $10 worth.
I can tell a Nepali girl is working behind the counter, coz she won’t say hi or hello. She will look at you like she wish you were not there.
True story! I went to a Chinese/ Indian buffet. I overheard two Nepali waitresses talking to each other, “Jaatho kasto makhi chus raichha yaar, ek rupiya ni kasaile tips chhodchha! Chutiya!!” I got scared and left $2 and disappeared.
My monologues are never meant to offend anybody. So please do not take it seriously. Feedbacks are welcome.