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Posted on 02-08-05 7:52
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To all the haters and those who loves to b!tch about everything. It was such a pain to just sit and watch Nepalese Politicians corrupting the country and just breaking the country apart (I truly think every opposition party leader?s favorite time pass was not sex but to plan to fail the government) and to see THE Maoist playing GOD and taking lives of Nepalese everyday. I would like to ask every Nepalese, who would they rather have trusted the country other than King? Do you think it would be a good idea to give another five years to Deuba, or would you rather have Girija or Madhav Nepal or Girija?s daughter for next several years? Can you give me a name of ONE person (I repeat one person) who you think can unite the country? We have run out of trust worthy leaders. Soon, rich Nepalese and educated / smart Nepalese ?who usually prefer living anywhere in the world than staying in Nepal? would be suggesting to outsource the leaders from America or India (ha! That would be funny). We have already lost more than 11,000 lives during the on going civil war. Whether it was a death of Moist or Army or those innocent civilians?they were our own Nepalese people. More and more villages and towns are in the process of converting into United States of Moist. If we were to give ANOTHER chance (out of those many many chances) to these political leaders, just imagine how many more lives we would lose? How much more deficit, poorer we would have become? How many more villages and towns to become maobadi land? How long to wait to see the peace? When is my son gonna be able to actually attend school and learn? I know after reading this some of you might even call me Panchhe or Ganendra ko manchha or whatever AND I?m gonna have to say?Damn! Fool?you are still sooooo stupid. I was a big fan of Birendra (and I miss him so damn Much) and I am not too crazy about current king and I am not saying, now the king has taken over and everything is just going to be right. But we have to admit that now it has started to take shapes and forms of development to get rid of Terrorism, corruption, and moreover the hope to better future. (It kind? a feels like there is at least a solid plan and determination to fight against terrorism). All we Nepalese have been so DIVIDED for last few years. May be this is the time we all be UNITED and fix our country?s problem together NOT just sit back, drink tea, watch Zee TV, read newspaper and bitch about government every single day. Give him a chance; we gave these self-centered politicians 14 years, why can?t we give king 3 years. YOU can help to change the future of this country. You don?t have to perform any miracle. Just do whatever you do with a positive attitude and just don?t waste time complaining about your neighbor?s wife and government. I am a bus driver and I will make sure your kids get to school and return home safe and on time, so that someday when these kids grow up they would bring positive things in our lives. I am gonna participate in a street riot just because one of the political leader had to Wait 20 minutes at the airport or neither am I gonna donate my hard on dime to moist so that they can buy more land mines to kill more of my children. That is how I am gonna help my country. If you are a shop keeper and you wanna help country to grow, just open you store everyday to mobilize the economy (trust me you play a part in mobilizing economy) , don?t cheat on your taxes, Keep your neighborhood clean and around your stores and encourage others to do the same thing. What are you gonna do to help to heal the wounds? What?
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Posted on 02-09-05 8:43
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Does anybody know if Nepali Maobadi has their web site? where they have bulletin board or a chat room? I wish they have some kind of communicating channel where they can actually hear what real Nepalese's have to say? and how we feel? and most of all, how most of us don't support them but Hate them instead. I think they should know this. Thanks NRG.....Great Stuff
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Posted on 02-09-05 9:09
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Zara, I agree with you, but I don't think it will help Maoists in any way if they hear what Nepalese people think about them and how much Nepalese people hate them. I think they already know it. But they are still on this "mission" just to get to the power. They don't care about winning people's heart. If they did, they would not kill innocent people, torture them and separate their families. If they were into winning people's heart, they would not create fear in people' heart. Rather, do anything to get closer to people.
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Posted on 02-09-05 9:40
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Feb1 and ZARA, ppl from KTM arent only nepelese, maybe it use to be in old days. Please do some research before you speaK! If there was no love for maobadi, then why wud the war even be going on??
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Posted on 02-09-05 10:00
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Confused, Please check what the reality is outside Kathmandu. People are not joining Maoist force by will. People are made Maoist by force. You have probably heard news about Maoists abducting hundreds of people at a time and making them take part in their parade. I live in the US and I work with Nepali Maoist victims who fled Nepal and I try to get them any kind of assistance that they can get here. Therefore I can say this with confidence that the fear is even worse outside Kathmandu. Kathmandu is safer compared to other parts of the country. And people do not join Maoist force because they love their movement. It is all about fear. Please try to understand the politics of fear!!!
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Posted on 02-09-05 10:04
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People are made Maoist by force\ LOL! HAHAHA! DHERAI NA HASAU MALAI!! PLZZ..
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Posted on 02-09-05 10:09
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Hey Feb1.. just because u read the biased news doen't mean you know everything about them. There are thousands of people who did join maoist with full will. Even my family have been tortured by maoist but i know they are people who has no money for a one meal and they know how the government and the KIng has had done nothing for them in their entire life, so it obvious why it is growing so much in the rural undeveloped areas.. there are always some victims in every war... but for your information people do join maoist on their will.
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Posted on 02-09-05 10:09
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" Firstly, I don't believe you are in KTM because you have posted comments here even when the entire communication channels where cut off (unless you got your own personal satellite). If you really are to in KTM, you need some serious help and should seek therapy cause spending all night and day just to post comments in this website is not normal. Maybe I should put you in your own category #2 (people with no brain...) because you probably open your mouth before you think (or look at the facts for that matter). My last posting before Feb 8 was on Jan 27. After Feb 8, I have posted only 4 times while you have posted 9 times. So maybe you need the therapy? Cheers.
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Posted on 02-09-05 10:11
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feb1, i applause your work, but re THINK! the ppl who have fled away is because they saw fear, maobadi is not made out of these few bunch of ppl, it is the made out of wholesome DISTRICTS LIKE Rukum and Rolpa. I know ppl who have worked with maobadi's, who have travelled to the BIKANTA, place like Rukum and Rolpa and have done reports. So i do also know, how maoists are made, and i tell you maybe few is by fear, but a wholesome join because of their WANT! and Moists PROPOGANDAS!
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Posted on 02-09-05 10:24
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Confused not to be hit on you personally, but it seemed like after all this happened, you still don't know what the hell is going on. Dude, you know how maoist say they have this many army and that many army and how they defeated the RNA and Police and stuff!! What is going on is, when they attack any police post, they bring all these villagers in gunpoint, put them on front as a shield and fire their BHARUWA BANDUK from the back. WHO DIES?? POOR VILLEGERS!!! and army or police are to be blamed of killing the innocent!! What maoist are doing is playing a dirty war and still claiming victory!! you ppl must have heard Mahara's interview posted in bbC website few days back where he has claimed that they have been defeating the RNA. All and all Mohara does is create big hoaks and try to give the fake belief to ppl saying that they are this and they are that. By now everyone knows that they are nothing but power seeking wolves who could not win by running in the election (which they try in initial stage, when democracy was young in the name of MASAL and Samyukta Jana Morcha) so decided to pick up the gun to gain power. They are nothing but bunch of COWARDS fighting with help of ppl who don't even know what is going on and why they are fighting, all they know is if they don't fight their sons will get killed and their wife and daughters will be raped. So called Maoist took the advantage of our irritrate and poor public around the countryside who could be easily driven with just about a small speech or a small amount of money. They talk about communism and I bet those ppl who are fighting in the battle ground don't even have any clue about what communism really is!! These COWARDS have to be parished as soon as possible!!
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Posted on 02-10-05 7:38
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Confused, Sorry I had to leave last night. But I still disagree with your point. There are some people who believe Maoist ideology (if there is one) so strongly that they would die happily for it. But most of the people are still forced to work for Maoists. I fully agree with what jaynepal said. There are entire villages tortured, raped, threatened, used as human shield. No matter what you think, it is still a politics of fear.
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Posted on 02-10-05 7:42
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Posted on 02-10-05 7:45
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Posted on 02-10-05 7:46
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more at cpnm.org anyway i posted this here because spnm.org is not accessible from Nepal.
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Posted on 02-10-05 8:46
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GUYS here is some of my views... Nepalese are ALWAYS UNITED before the 1990 but when the democracy came in 1990.. we start getting seperated since we have 2 different views.. mostly at that time... either we are right wings ( CONGRESS) or left wings( CPM UML) .. even tho there are people who is neither of them......I still remember one incident while visiting my old home in DHANKUTA ( i was born and raised in KTM), whenever i went to Dhankuta on my winter break, always go to neightbours house and play with their kids but after the 1990, only 7-8 families are divided on their political belief ( congress and communist).. i was sooo surprised and MAOIST took advantage (from that coz now we are divided in 2 parts LEFT WINGS n RIGHT WINGS) DIVIDE and RULE coz we are weaker now. at early 1997, when they went underground, that time PM was GP KOIRALA and his adivisor told him that, we can surpress the maoists... and at that time Government use the excessive force to surpress them, which makes negative impact on the people. Govt. forces start killing people on the name of MAOISTS and it will be easy for MAOISTS to get support from their immediate families and other thing is, just your friend is supporter of Maobadi doesnt mean you are maobadi too and Governtment forces start harrashing innocent ppl just becoz they have sympathi towards maobadi, how will you react without any reason, your brother is in jail and forces comes to your home everyday and start tourchering your parents, at this time if someone comes to you and give the sympathi, definately you will follow his path.. this is the another reason of increasing the MAOBADI. SALYAN, GORKHA, and other western parts of nepal ( where people are less educated then eastern part of nepal and living standard are little less) and they have to depend on their livelyhood on agriculture, has nothing to do in 6 months once they finished harvesting their crops. So MAOISTs start manipulating those people with beautiful SLOGANS...saying EVERYTHING WILL BE EQUALL in our system, , if you supports us, everythins will be equal and there is no rich or poor. So they start increasing their supporter from the remote areas. I did watch one documentary by ABC news channel in early 1998-1999... was taken on Sylan and Dang... the DSP was saying on the footage that: "Even there is a big chance to became a Maoists if he was born at that place" and using the excessive force... We all knows about our " DANTHE AND DHINDE MAMAS" their behaviour and their words...Maoists are now one of the biggest force just because of Nepalese Dirty POLITICS n POLITICIANS.... I think we all are responsible in this matter coz we bindly supports our NETAS and never questions them. and i remembered one interview of SURYA BDR THAPA after the 1990 " whether it is democracy or not, we are the people to lead this country" which became true. Now at this point, most of we, middle class people need PEACE in the country not "DIVIDE AND RULE POLICY" and we will support anything to restore peace in the country... NEVER ENDS PEACE AND LOVE
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Posted on 02-10-05 10:26
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kale Ji, You sound much smarter than on the other thread regarding the polls..where you sound like?Democracy is all about using the RIGHTS?doesn?t matter if their action makes any difference or not?. I like your testimony a LOT and you are right about lot of things. I think the second generation Moist is more dangerous than the first generation. First ones got involved because someone motivated them or some idealist issue or were even forced to join. However, there seems to be growth of second generation who voluntarily join the Maobadi force coz' their brother or father was killed during the war by an army and they take this war personally. That is going to multiply. It?s too late to discuss about how moist started and got this strong. It would make more sense to come up with suggestions (if any of y?all have any) to better the situation so that our children won?t have to suffer for our negligence. We can?t just blame it one parties only (however they are mostly responsible for all this) since WE picked them and made them who they are (we gave them power and opportunity). This is why I think while participating in votes and polls?.?I don?t care? wouldn?t do no good. -(Even though they have all their RIGHTS to vote-kale ji)-. Therefore, In future?.think before you vote.
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Posted on 02-10-05 10:40
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ZARA ji..... Seems like you are a leader while in nepal... "Baalneta" or whatever so its your responsibility to open a new thread about solution to the MAOISTS problem... even tho we are not in that position to do anything but what the heck, just expressing our imagination and views.... that is also our "RIGHTS"... so if you dont mind, can you open one new threads about the "SOLUTION OF THE MAOISTS PROBLEM" Kale
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Posted on 02-10-05 10:46
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You just wann use your right. Nothing wrong with that... And yeah...I will do that...Start a New Thread to welcome the suggestion
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Posted on 02-10-05 11:28
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WEll Ram Gurung Ji, That was a good opinion. ra i hope everyone in nepal feels the same way... we all know that we have had enoguh of these political leaders.. so lets just let them go!!! they have done enough harm they could.. its not tht i dont appreciate some of them for bringing democracy in our country i have lots of respect for some of the leaders like ganesh man.... we got democracy but we didnot understand its value and make good use of it.... may be because lots of nepalese are still illeterate and they dont know whts good and whts bad..... we will always regret that we lost democracy.. but at present context, wht king has done, is the good option we have..... we cant allow corrupt and money as well as power minded politicians to rule the country anymore. I agree that there is not a single NETA we can trust now..... So, lets not be foolish again n lets not waste our precious time and energy protesting against king.. instead lets do something productive, which will help country.. go to classes instead of JULUSH.... some people participate in julush for fun, to gain experience of throwing stone at policemen, to destroy the bars and gardens municipality have made.. but they dont realize wht could the consequences be... all of those were made from our own hard earned tax money!! we are not rich to waste our money like that!!!!!!! About the Maoist, we cant even call them nepali coz a nepali doesnt kill another nepali!! police mare pani army mare pani maobadi mare pani marne nepali nai ho!! i really fail to understand wht they want by killing people...... tht is not the way of revolution.. in revolution for good cause, people give up their life,and others pity on them and regret their death... they dont take others life!!! moreover, we have seen how brutally they have killed so many nepalese!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEY HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVISTS, WHERE WERE YOU WHEN THEY KILLED POLICEMEN AND CITIZENS????? If a police kills a maoist, u guys protest n take out ralliies. but when they kill policemen n citizens, there is no protest?? Neta haru housearrest huda protest garne, uni haru ko human rights violate bhanne harule rolpa rukum ko nepali ko human right violate matra haina END nai huda k garirakheka thiye???? aafno human rights preserve garna khojne le aru ko human rights ko pani respect garnu parchha!! That is the main aspect of human rights!!!!! lastly, i just wanna request international media to represent VOICE OF NEPALI CITIZENS instead of Handful of corrupt POLITICIANS!!!! when u ask a question abt situation and how he feels, dont ask it to a protestant or political leader.. ASK IT TO A VENDOR WHO IS SELLING FOOD ON ONE CORNER OF THE ROAD, ASK IT TO THE SHOPKEEPER WHO IS SAD AT DEGRADING ECONOMY!!! Those are the real nepalis peole who live in nepal n who just wanna live a normal peaceful life!! no ambition, no power struggle.... SHREE PASHUPATINATH LE SABAI NEPALI LAI SADBUDDI DEOS!!!!! ASAL RA KHARAB CHHUTYAUNE SHAKTI DEOS!!!!! Jay Nepal Nepali hun ma!!!!
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Posted on 02-10-05 1:28
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Another good post by NepaliHuMa
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Posted on 02-11-05 9:37
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NepaliHuma, Thank you for elaborating my points. You are sure right about what you said. I like the way you put into the words and most of all I appreciate you contributing your time to add your comments. I know millions of Nepalese share your view. I would be thankful to you for speaking on their behalf. There's always gonna be some haters and ones who always like to b!tch about everything thing.....you will mind many right here in this website...but it's all...nature of the beast. Let's keep working together...keep encouraging Nepalese to stay strong..this is the time to HOLD on strong. IT's not just Hope against the hope... It?s time to look ahead and move forward. Things are back to very normal here in kathmandu. People on the street seem friendlier and I sense the feeling of unification among Nepalese. Hope this grows on forever, in Nepal as well as everywhere.