[D,R,T] = dimred(X)
X = Original vector data. Each row is a data point. Each column is a dimension in the original space.
D = Reduced vector data. Each row is a data point. Each column is a dimension in the lower-dimensional space.
R = "rotation" matrix to convert data from the the reduced space back into the original data space . Convert D back to X by using X = D*R+T;
T = "translation" matrix
The narrowest dimension of the data is compressed to zero. you may wish to compute a dimensionality ratio r such as
>>g = svd(X); r = min(g) / max(g);
g = abs(eig(cov(X))); r = min(g)/max(g);
and then proceed if r < 1e-6
>> To convert some function F of D back to a function G of X
in the higher dimnensional space as follows:
X = (original data)
[D,R,T] = dimred(X);
F = (result of some presumably linear operation perfomed on D)
G = F*R+T;
% C=round(rand(3)*100)/100;
% C=C'*C;
% [V,D]=eig(C);
% D=diag([0 1 2]);
% C=V*D*V';
% mu = [4 4 4];
% X=mvnrnd(mu,C,1000);
% mu=repmat(mu,[size(X,1) 1]);
% % condition inverse of covariance for plots:
% D(1,1)=D(2,2)*1e-6;
% CI=inv(V*D*V');
% d=sum((X-mu)'.*(CI*(X-mu)'));
% X(d>4,:)=[];
% figure
% subplot(2,1,1)
% hold on
% plot3(X(:,1),X(:,2),X(:,3),'b.')
% grid on
% view(45,10)
% axis equal
% axis vis3d
% [D,R,T]=dimred(X);
% k=convhulln(D);
% for n=1:length(k)
% plot3(X(k(n,:),1),X(k(n,:),2),X(k(n,:),3),'r-','linew',2);
% end
% title('Original Data (3D)')
% subplot(2,1,2)
% plot(D(:,1),D(:,2),'b.')
% grid on
% axis equal
% axis tight
% title('Transformed Data (2D)')
T = repmat(mean(X),[size(X,1),1]);
XX = X-T;
Q=[zeros(size(D,2),1) eye(size(D,2))];
does that work???