Who's Really to Blame for School Shooting?
December 15, 2012
Obama brushes away a tear, reminding us that he is not only a mass murderer in war but someone who would use another false flag tragedy to advance his masters' totalitarian political agenda.
The aftermath of the Newtown school massacre is beginning to resemble the 9-11 false flag.
The local police dispatch tape carries a report that a teacher saw two shooters running away from the scene. (3.25)
According to George Freund, "First officers in the school report the patsy dead. He may very well have been killed by the two fleeing men who were probably the whack team.
Police also report finding a shotgun. How do you carry a rifle, a shotgun, two pistols, and all sorts of ammo with two hands and kill so many people. You are obviously NOT alone."
The presence of other shooters may explain why the killer, Adam Lanza, 20, was wearing a mask, flack jacket and military fatigues. This is so he couldn't be distinguished from the other shooters. If he had intended to kill himself, he wouldn't have needed a disguise.
As with 9-11, when Osama Bin Ladin was blamed immediately, the culprit this time was guns. A chorus of calls for gun control went up from Barack Obama and his Illuminati Jewish handlers like Mayor Bloomberg of NY.
Illuminati Jewish mouthpieces like Huffpost are going ballistic.
(left. Christmas present from Illuminati bankers)
Like 9-11, we can forget about discovering who really executed this attack.
It would be some branch of government
The killer's brother Ryan Lanza, 24, said Adam was mentally disturbed. He had Asberger Syndrome. Neighbours called him "autistic." Why didn't the cry go out to know what medication Adam was taking?
Why isn't there a chorus of demands for a ban on psychological medications? For greater monitoring of people with Asberger?
Turns out Adam was the product of a broken family. His parents divorced in 2009. His father moved away and remarried. His older brother hadn't seen him for two years. Why not demands for support for marriage and family?
A friend described Adam as a "Goth." Goths are Satanists who possibly would revel in such massacres. Why not demands for a ban on Goth music and behavior?
How about a media ban on over-reporting massacres, because of the copycat effect?
Do you think that if 27 soldiers were ambushed and killed in Helmand province yesterday, you would know about it?
(Since 2001 there have been 1,827 such flag draped caskets sent back from Afghanistan to the U.S. Wounded in action numbers total 15,460.)
From 1991 - 2009, there was a ban on photographing flag draped coffins.
Why? Because reports of military setbacks and photos of coffins are bad for morale.
School massacres are also bad for morale too. The national morale.
But that's just the point. The Illuminati want to degrade and demoralize. They want to render us defenceless. They want TSA-style checkstops everywhere and more federal control.
So they blame guns, instead of blaming the real shooters, the multi-billion dollar drug industry, Goth satanism or mass media feeding-frenzies.
If teachers were armed, they could have defended the children. In Israel everyone is armed and ready.
Since our leaders love Israel so much, why don' t they call for more guns, not less?
Americans need protection - from their own Illuminati subverted government.
First Comment from Andrew Wallace
Treason has killed our Children Again.
Andrew C. Wallace
December 14, 2012
We know full well that the treasonous actions of Obama and like minded officials to deny us our Constitutional Rights to self defense has allowed another slaughter to occur. They don't give a damn about our children or anyone else as long as they have protection. Their only concern is to disarm Americans so we can't defend ourselves against a total takeover by the Marxist Communists in government and their low information followers.
No place in this country should be a free fire zone where only criminals have guns, the teachers and every responsible person should be armed. Gun crime goes down where ever the people are armed and goes up when the people are denied their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
The police have never had the responsibility to protect the people, nor could they do so if it was their responsibility.
The Marxists in government have a long history of doing everything possible to pass gun control by directly or indirectly making it safer for sick and deluded people to generate negative publicity by killing innocent men, women and children. The best recent example was Operation Fast and Furious where thousands of weapons were given to criminals so that many people would be killed here and in Mexico so that Americans would approve gun control.
Florida is not a safe place for criminals. More than a million people have right to carry permits for concealed weapons and the crime rate has gone down. Criminals have learned to leave the old people alone because they will shoot back.
Richard said (December 15, 2012):
It's all so predictable.
There's a media boiler plate that's slapped on these events all the way back to 1963. Shots ring in public place; the gunman killed or hauled off in custody. Immediately the shooter or patsy's face and name saturate the media for a week.
If media really wanted to break the pattern they should quit repeating their role in the pattern. They shouldn't run any photos of the shooter or give him any fame. In fact police should withhold the name and judges should slap a gag order on media regarding the suspects "back story" biography.
Since neither media, police, or judges will deny the perpetrators the fame that's the motive in the first place, they're promoting such events.
Instead, the New York Times editors get a hard-on when there's a mass murder. The photo ops! The chance to climb up on their moral high horse and blame the shooter's dead mother - because she was a "big, big gun enthusiast".
Hypocrisy! New York Times and Huffington Post have had no problem praising air strikes. It's all a matter of location. Schools, hospitals, busy markets and civilian neighborhoods aren't even given the dignity of being statistics so long as NATO, the US Air Force, or IDF pulls the triggers. Imagine the media applying the "Lone gunman" boilerplate to government false flag operations: 'Who's really to blame for 911?" or "Who's really to blame for ten year wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?"
Tony B said (December 15, 2012):
Henry, the first article I saw on this shooting the guy was described as autistic. And it said he killed both his parents. That means he was destroyed for life by those damned "childhood shots" that his "responsible" parents made sure were used to poison him by never bothering to question the "authorities" (especially school personnel who demand a history of the shots by each student) on their efficacy, or even on their safety. Did he know about the shots? Was he also upset by all those kids who do not react the same disastrous way to them? (But still have their physical and mental capabilities impaired to some extent.)
Leave the guns alone, outlaw the damned life destroying shots.
It's time for government schools to take responsibility for their destruction of the nation's children, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
This current slaughter is one more excellent reason for parents to take their God given responsibilities seriously and home school their kids.
All government schools, even those in "nice towns" like this one, are totally unnatural hell holes where kids, jammed together with many others of their own age group and ordered around by strangers all day, are purposely turned against their parents and their parents' beliefs in God and moral lives.
Christine said (December 15, 2012):
We just had at least 25 children die here in Virginia Beach, Virginia on Friday.
That they were slaughtered at area abortion mills does not make their deaths less tragic. At least, it shouldn't.
G said (December 15, 2012):
Good analysis. This falls into the pattern of the Port Arthur Massacre, the Aurora Batman shooting, etc. The mask and matching clothing are a giveaway. The game is impossible without local law enforcement help. The incident has to be planned where there is a compromised police chief.
Joe said (December 15, 2012):
Suzanne Collins (bloodline illuminati family) is the author of ‘The Hunger Games’ and she lives where this mass murder went down. If that does not smack of a false flag blood sacrifice of innocents for the Luciferian Illuminati Shitheads...
Let the real Hunger Games begin with a huge, horrific blood sacrifice of innocent children. This is pure evil manifesting itself on Earth for these people. This was an Illuminati Blood Sacrifice of innocents. Think about the symbolism here. She writes a book about the killing of kids for sport and entertainment. The time of the year. These scum are sending their satanic low vibration energy into the human psyche, front running the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child. They are attempting to hijack the spirit of the season with this tragedy.
Coincidence? I think not. Did it have something to do with the naming of hurricane Sandy? Maybe. You may 'feel' there is no significance but the evidence is staring you in the face.
Also related, the Colorado shootings were depicted on the Illuminati card game from 1995: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=X13Sl7Nh220