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Posted on 06-10-20 4:10
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What is QBasic? It is modular programming language which help build simple and basic programs. It doesn't have huge scope or helps in developing a multi-feature application software but does help you with programming basics. As it name suggests (Quick Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) is a basic programming language.
Writing QBasic programs become easier if you know the Syntax's used for problem solving in QBasic. Every keyword have different functions.
Discussing large number of programs based on QBasic in single posting might be difficult. If you want to check some QBasic Programs (Helpful for clearing programming concepts with QBasic), that not only helps in understanding programs but also help in exams for lower grades i.e below 10th standard (Upto SEE level). You might find these programs really helpful.
For various programs, Questions with solutions, see this
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Posted on 06-10-20 5:17
PM [Snapshot: 35]
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So you ask a question and answer your own question and just create a wasteful thread for a programming language which is quite outdated? LOL ok. Some people have so many free time
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Posted on 06-10-20 11:24
PM [Snapshot: 93]
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@sajhamitra I think .techkr must be a 7th grader Qbasic teacher...Afu le ni school ma huda 6th grade ma gwbasic ani 7th grade ma Qbasic gareko ho...it was helpful later on...haha Qbasic ma 12345...1234...123...12...1 pattern style print gareko program yaad ayo...good old days lol... PS: ghanta jasto sajha ko algorith "xtec_kr" type gareko promotion re....