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Posted on 07-16-14 11:05
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I developed this simple Interactive map of Nepal. I am working on other interactive graphs and charts about Nepal. It might be useful for school kids to learn about Nepal. Also might help people who is interested to learn more about our country. If anybody have any suggestion or comments, it will be really helpful. http://fuetec.com/nepal/index.html
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Posted on 07-16-14 11:31
AM [Snapshot: 38]
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I loved it man. Let me first play with it then I will let my son play. Would love to see more features added. One of the thing you could do could be sort by categories, such as population, literacy rate, per capita etc. Each district will get a number based upon the rankings and category selected. You could also let user select other criteria like political affiliation (show red for districts with majority of UML representatives in the interim constitution assembly, Blue for Congress etc), race (caste) and religion populations etc. Also a direct link option to google map for each district would help as well. If you select one feature of the map, it should show all rivers only, another will show districts (like it is now) and another selection will show major cities etc.
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Posted on 07-16-14 11:46
AM [Snapshot: 52]
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glitch in mechi zone. it shows description of koshi. Bagmati is not a capital city.
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Posted on 07-16-14 4:24
PM [Snapshot: 121]
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help java bro : thanks for sharing... map looks awesome. good work.
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Posted on 07-16-14 5:10
PM [Snapshot: 164]
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Map looks cool but description contains false data. Like in bagmati zone, some of the major cities mentioned are incorrect. Pokhara is in gandaki and bharatpur in narayani. Haven't checked others. Please do some research before writing description otherwise kids will end up with false info.
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Posted on 07-16-14 6:33
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helpjava11 ji, it is a good work, aside from some mis information, one suggestion from me is that it might be better if you can move the map little bit down and make a big rectangular space from right to left of the screen to populate the interactive information about the district etc. Due to the scrolling feature on the display right now, some of your words are flowing into another category which might be avoided with my above mentioned suggestion ;-) Rest keep up the good work
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Posted on 07-16-14 8:54
PM [Snapshot: 281]
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Very constructive suggestions from everyone. I would definitely add more functionalities like Kiddo bro suggested and also the layout changes as Aamalaa bro mentioned. All the false data related issue will be fixed asap.