My Personal Analysis
Total No. of quota available
58,200(General) + 6,800(Chile and Singapore) + 20,000(Masters) = 85,000
Total No. Of Application For Fiscal Year 2009
1,31,8000(General) + 31,200(Masters) = 1,63,000
1. 20,000 will get selected (11,200 left over)
2. Approx. 5000 may get selected through 2nd lottery (6,200 left over)-They will be wait-listed
3. Out of total 85,000, what percent do u guess had filed multiple filings, how many of them will get denied, how many will get rejected & out of 6,800 how many can be just occupied by citizens of Chile&Singapore
4. All the quota remaining from the analysis of point no. 3 will easily cover the left over number from the analysis of point no. 2.
Note: This analysis is done on the basis of the following factors
1. New rule of wait listing.
2. First priority is for US Masters Holders.