A fun moment from the past.
Thread: Why the chicken cross the road?
Paramendra: To stop my 18 wheeler.
HahooGuru: To join the league of my fans(or more appropriately, avataars).
Biswo: It's all King Gyanendra's conspiracy.
Sitara: Ask my mom, she loves 'em.
Deep/Jira: Ma*** malai ke tha.
DWI: It was drunk.
Isolated: (presents the exerpts from Kantipur, Global Times, Mahanagar, US News etc).
Ashu: I've known the chicken for last 9 years. It crossed the road to meet me.
PremCharo: Ask my deuta, Hahooguru.
Oys Chill: Road? or memory lane mora!!
Khimu: I know why chicken crosseds the road. (always meaningless)
Rusty: Chicken wants to play basketball with me.
NK: To better understand the Aztec civilization.
Poonte: To pick up it's kattu.
Najar: Hajur, chicken le kina bato katibaksyos? (khali hajur hajur).
Miss Grg: Crossing road is good for health.
Montou: It got a big summon from the lord almighty.
Trikal: 14 nachhatra 44 degree ma dhalkeko bela chicken le bato katchha.
Logical: The banking on the road challenged the chicken.
Shady: That motha*** chicken crossed the road to goto its hood.
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Biswo: I supported the chicken institution because it was a lesser evil than the bigger one there was. Now that it has crossed the line, I have second thoughts about it.
Ashu: Come on ! You aren't saying the chicken were too khattam and jhhor to cross the road, are you ?
Isolated Freak: People will laugh if I say the chicken have abandoned their demand of crossing the road a long time ago.
Tick: I was myself involved in the road crossing movement in 2046. I know there was foreigner's hand in it.
Sitara: (sarcastic) But, here is the irony: How the hell did someone manage to plant an alien seed (...to Nepalese religion, culture, traditions) of the most "alien" concept of crossing the road....?????????
Paschim: First time in itheir history, the chicken could see it ( the road) wasn't a holy cow.
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Isolated Freak: It was summoned from the Palace!
Nepe: No! No! The chicken was running from the Royal Guillotine!
Biswo: It was certainly the chicken revolution inspired by Mao!
Paschim: The chicken was simply lonely!
Ashu: Professor X from Harvard states that the chicken was returning from the " The Chicken Or The Egg First" Discussion at Martin Chautari!
Prem Pujari: AAAAAAAAAnnnnch!!!!!!!!! What body.... what thighs and breasts!
Holy cow: Eat More Chicken before they cross the road!
THE America-returned CHICKEN: Top get OFF the Wrong side of the road...silly!
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Suna--if poonte happens to slaughter the chicken we'll have to make momo out. This weekend at my place, guests on invitation only. Please RSVP soonest! (btw suna, where were thou?, missed you on sat :(
Simplegal--Do you know if the chicken crossed the road? let me offer an analysis on a pyschological perspective.
Arnico--Well, chickens should be allowed to exercise democracy just as much we do.
NK--Use common sense my dear, common sense! :))
saajan123--I thank all the fellow sajha posters for contributing on this topic. Appreciate your comments. Thank you very much!
Chipledhunga--Chickens wanted to trek up the hill across the road.
Rusty--i know why chicken crossed the road, but won't tell.
Dhumbasse--deep dai, jiradai--kina cross garya hola tesle sifal ko baato?
San--This road is for all including the chickens, so they are welcome to cross it as long as they don't offend other sajaites
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Biswo: This chicken is thousand times better than GBBS.
HahooGuru: "khume Gobinde ko kukhuro ho tyo-- CIAA le entropy ko muddama thokla
bhanne dar le manasik santulan bigrera hineko".
Ashu: Oohi "proud to eat chicken tikka with farfaraudo bhat"
Poonte: kukhuro le thungera budho haddi ko jorni jorni dukhi ra chha--aaiya.
Jira: malai pisera mola ta yellai!
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Oys - Sardarji ko katha sunna napayera pari ko gurudwaar janey chesta ma
HG - In search of Gyanex vendors (dil pay mut lay yaar)
IF - Jayanepal tira bhakkar hall chhutyo, yata aphno thaam patti bata hinnu parla
Deep - Walk signal dekhera kukhro ta tyassai tyassai pulankit bhayo
Poonte - pari bata signboard ramro dekhincha yaar..ehehhe..kattu ali lamo bhayecha (after crossing the road)
Dhumbass - Pissap polya cha yaar ajkaal, hool bata hinyo bhaney garmi garcha
Premcharo - HG jata lagchan ma ni wottai janchu
Sitara/Czar/NK/Najar/Suna - Commoooon..girl..ladies first
Biswo - Hostel ma basey pachi zoology lab jana bato cross garnu parena ta
Nepe - In search of another Gazzal restaurent ( tu bhi dil pay mut lay yaar )
Chipledhunga - jata marshyangdi, jata maccha..wottttai ma...yo phusro hunga ma paltera ke garnu?
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Shirish: It didn't want its pecker measured! :P
Le chef du nuit: 'cause I wanted to make chicken soup for the witty souls!
Bond 007: To Save the Queen and Bush!
Bhunte: To look for Parijaat
Khimu: To find peace of mind...in Sajha
Nepali Kanchi: Surely, it was possessed by the orgiastic intentions of Dionysus!
Jira: To start its own roadside chilli chicken business!
Serendipity: It was part of the Matrix!
San: To shed its Rastaman English! :P
Sks: 'cause it saw the whine and chij in my hand! ;)
Truthsayer: 'Cause it was divorced with an egg!
Ou812: 'cause it 812!
Rusty: It was a walkover in the finals!
DWI: To prove it was NOT drunk!
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